Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Continued Studies - 05/23/2006 (continued II)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006

05/23/2006 (continued II)

In considering the degree of automation to which we have progressed, I am again lead to observe the are of modern media and communications.

Again, I cannot help but see things such as the internet as an emulation of our very existence - though nowhere near as thorough as we seem to profess in lending so much blind importance on it. Another very interesting aspect of the internet is that it is directly as result of that concept regarding the third degree of civilization-personally I do hope that those tending to believe it the "path to Utopia" are few in number - for many reasons I have already addressed.

In looking at it again from my current perspective - that emulation begins to become more apparent - and especially in regard to its development and integration. As well as the overlying - or underlying if you will, social dynamic of it on the larger scale.

From my perspective - my perception of it, the emulation whether happenstance - or as I suspect as result of that larger consistency - has played out in kind of a creepy way. Having developed firstly from the social focal point of a rather pronounced duality (being the partnership within the larger, early corporation which pressed the saturation of it), then steadily into the main media trinity which is now beginning to fad in some degree - of that "duality" then finding competition from a "third party."

This could be compared initially with the age old social structure within that initial duality of the "church" and "state/sovereign."

Then with the introduction of that "third party" it could be likened to that concept as it has manifested with the U.S., as a "trinity" relationship...... which then, within that dynamic as I have explained - is now beginning to reflect those other, more modern influences upon that "trinity" with the emergence of other influences upon it - including a resonation of sorts left over from its own effectual rise some centuries ago.

Simultaneously I should note, that I perceive within that larger progression - is playing out (rather indirectly) other social dynamics which also can be noted through out history.

In effect, as it continues to develop, it is doing so "dynamically" in both directions so to speak, within our perceived "linear" progression as societies and species. More interestingly enough - this is happening in a non linear, non chronological manner - much in contradiction to the reinforced perception of said consistencies.

I am not trying to suggest that there will soon be hairy knuckled war mongers again walking the planet - only that within the immense social diversity of said medium(s) - there are those accustomed to such potential which are in effect reliving different levels of existence of their own - some in combinations within that motion, having already been found to be non optimum from where ever in history they did first reside.

Again, this seems to be taking place simultaneously. Similar successes and failures which have already played out at some other point, are again playing out within this new medium - though perhaps in different guises - with no chronological binding. None of the imposed linear effect which results from the saturated use of such mediums.

When you consider it, this is predictable to some degree, given the level of comfort (and further that "forgetfulness") which most societies now with such media options, have been developing and are accustomed to.

This then extends to other nations world wide, as well - and I imagine it plays out similarly within their conditioned social dynamics - more as a result of said. This being akin I presume, to "trial and error" in some respects, though possessing some aspects of such with no acknowledgment of it.

It is also proving the tendency of humans at a rudimentary level (as such results in, within said atmospheres) to "do what they will, but not by light of day" so to speak - again giving opportunity for those failed (and some forgotten) structures to take hold and play out as they again manifest within the elemental consistencies of humanity.


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